Click on the images or titles for each publication to go to the project web page. More will be added as they happen.

Image-Space Modal Bases for Plausible Manipulation of Objects in Video
Abe Davis, Justin Chen, Fredo Durand
This work creates interactive dynamic videos by extracting image-space vibration modes from subtle vibrations in video of an object, and uses those vibration modes to create an image-space simulation of the object. This paper explains the method used to create the examples in our IDV video.

Visual Vibrometry: Estimating Material Properties from Small Motions in Video
Abe Davis*, Katherine L. Bouman*, Justin G. Chen, Michael Rubinstein, Fredo Durand, William T. Freeman, Visual Vibrometry: Estimating Material Properties from Small Motions in Video. CVPR 2015 (Oral presentation)
Using tiny vibrations in video to learn about the material properties of objects.

The Visual Microphone: Passive Recovery of Sound from Video
Abe Davis, Michael Rubinstein, Neal Wadhwa, Gautham J. Mysore, Fredo Durand, William T. Freeman, The Visual Microphone: Passive Recovery of Sound from Video. SIGGRAPH 2014.
This project received a lot of press. Check out the project webpage for some examples.

Motion Magnification
Several publications and projects by Bill Freeman, Fredo Durand, Miki Rubinstein, Neal Wadhwa, and many others.
This work focuses on visualizing and amplefying tiny motions in video and was also done (mostly) at MIT. It inspired much of our work on IDV, and developed some of the techniques we employ. Check out the project web page for more information and a complete list of publications/authors.